Total Materia Materials Database

Total Materia is the world’s most comprehensive materials database, containing general and special properties of more than 450,000 metallic and non-metallic materials. It allows you to identify unknown material grades, search for matching or similar material grades, and search for data input for FEA/CAE calculations. Its application eliminates the need for your company to purchase manufacturing standards and specifications for the materials used, and the modern, sophisticated search engine and user interface saves you considerable time in your work.

Our partner’s website

Total Materia is the world’s most comprehensive database, which allows you to search for and compare the properties of metallic and non-metallic materials.


  • Properties for 450,000+ Materials
  • 3,000+ Sources for Advanced Data
  • Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, Composites
  • 150,000+ Stress-Strain Curves
  • 74 Standard Development Organizations
  • 35,000+ Materials with Cyclic Properties
  • International Cross-Reference Tables


  • Property Estimation and Interpolation
  • Chemical Composition
  • Data Export to CAE Software
  • Mechanical and Physical Properties
  • Identification of Unknown Material
  • Multiple Material Comparison Options
  • Standard and Material Update Tracking

Product Packages

Total Materia can be accessed through a range of product format options, including a single user web edition, and flexible web subscriptions for multiuser set ups for companies small and large, and corporate solutions for international businesses.

With only an internet connection and browser required for web editions, Total Materia offers a hassle free, turn-key solution for access to world’s most comprehensive materials database.



Flagship database offering the ultimate in standard materials properties data including composition, mechanical and physical properties, heat treatment diagrams, cross-reference tables and much much more for over 350,000 alloys!


New non-metallic material database offering access to material properties for thousands of plastics, ceramics and composites including mechanical, physical, thermal and electrical properties.


Provides an unparalleled material properties resource for advanced CAE/FEA structural and thermal calculations and analysis and includes thousands of stress strain curves, cyclic properties and formability curves and more.


Supplementary module providing data subsets covering joints information, lubricants and coolants, material dimensions, tribology, and coatings for thousands of metallic and non-metallic materials.


Additional data module providing corrosion data, irradiation, weathering and aging information for thousands of metallic and non-metallic materials.


The Compliance module provides a single source of information about global regulations for materials and substances.


Browse, search and quickly find material suppliers from all over the world in combination with the Total Metals Database which provides accurate connection between materials, their properties and potential local or global suppliers.


Identify unknown materials from chemical composition which has been generated by spectrometer. Find matches from one of the 350,000+ metals and then view material property data and cross-references at the click of a button.


Export material property data into CAE solver formats in 3 simple steps including formats such as ANSYS, HyperWorks, Abaqus, Siemens NX and many more.


Make sure that the data being used is the most up to date and therefore most reliable information available. See exactly what has changed within the database and when from standard version updates to property data changes.

Multi-user Licenses:
Network and Corporate Editions

Distribute the informational power and knowledge of the Total Materia Databases with access incorporated into your intranet. You and all your colleagues can access the database on an “as needed” basis any time, directly within your corporate network.

Multi-user solutions provide unprecedented flexibility. Select the licensing option that best fits your needs:

Network: Server-based license, serving small teams of engineers up to larger groups from multiple locations. Provides password free convenience and distributed access for mid-sized and larger organizations.

Corporate: Server-based license, with unlimited number of users and unlimited number of servers. Perfect price/performance ratio for large companies and centralized resource centers.

Based on a combination of the number of named users and number of physical locations see below for a guide on the right solution for you:

Benefits of Multi-user Solutions

Turn-key solution, maintenance-free: No need to install, download, and maintain any software on your server and computers.

Always up-to-date: Your users will always be working with the most recent and up-to-date version of the Database.

Fast and easy access to the database and content: Users do not need to hassle with logins and passwords.

Exceptional economy: This is the most cost-effective solution if you have several individuals who need access to material properties information. Many people can have access to the database information whenever they need it.

If you are interested in the database, please visit our partner’s page, where following a simple registration you can try out all the features for free.